Homeowner Tax Deductions

Real Estate

Homeowner Tax Deductions

You probably remember that there were tax law changes that might affect your 2018 tax return.

Here's a list of the major areas that might affect you as a homeowner:

-Standard Deduction Change
-Personal Exemption Repealed
-Mortgage Interest Deduction Changes
-State and Local Tax Deduction Changes
-No change on Rental Property Deductions
-Big Change on Home Equity Loans

And finally, Tips for Navigating the New Tax Law.

Click on the read more button at the bottom to find out more details.

PLUS: Whenever you are ready, here's some ways I can help with your real estate goals:

1) Obtain my free handbook on “How to Sell Your Home for Top Dollar – Fast”

What you’ll learn from this handbook is going to give you a big advantage over your competition. It could literally be the difference between thousands of dollars in your pocket or thousands of dollars in your buyer’s pocket – Click Here

2) Obtain my free Home Prices Report on Your Specific Neighborhood

You’re thinking about selling your home, but you are not sure what the real estate market is doing. You don’t even know what the neighbors down the street sold their home for last month. You want to know what homes around you are selling for, but you’re really not ready to meet with a realtor yet.
Click Here for a Home Prices Report

3) Obtain my free handbook on “Room by Room Review”

One of the biggest stumbling blocks in deciding whether or not to move is deciding what needs to be done to transform your home from the way people live in a home to the way people want to showcase their home. This handbook steps you thru the different things you might want to consider in preparing your home for sale.
Click Here.

4) Watch my video on “A Real Estate Secret that gives Home Sellers Peace of Mind”

You might be thinking about selling your home, but what if your home sells before you find another home to buy? You don’t want to be homeless and you don’t want to move twice – once to a temporary home and then another move when you find your dream home (let’s be real – moving once is enough brain damage). I’ll tell you a secret that will give you peace of mind – Click Here

5) Obtain an Up-To-Date Price Analysis report for your home

You’re thinking about selling your home and know what other homes around you are selling for. But, if you really want to know what YOUR home with its specific features, upgrades and condition would sell for, request an “Up-To-Date Price Analysis”. Just respond to this email and put “price analysis” in the subject line. Vickie@DreamsCanHappen.com

6) Join me and some other friends for a monthly class on the benefits of a HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage) for seniors – must be 62 or better to qualify for this type of mortgage

There are numerous benefits and different ways to utilize a government backed HECM mortgage. Learn how to use a HECM mortgage to Double Your Real Estate Buying Power; how to use it to Maximize Social Security Benefits; how it can help with Home Health Care; how to utilize it for a Line of Credit…Just respond to this email and put “tell me more” in the subject line to obtain more information. Vickie@DreamsCanHappen.com

Also….check these out??

Denver Home Finder Service
Denver Home Seller Service
Cherry Creek School District Homes For Sale

Mar 16, 2016 Market Trend