7 mistakes homebuyers make and how to avoid them

Real Estate

7 mistakes homebuyers make and how to avoid them

1) Assuming you won't get approved for a mortgage - do you know that there are mortgage loans where you only need 3.5% downpayment? There are some loan products where you don't need any downpayment (VA loans, CHFA loans, USDA loans)

2) Interviewing only 1 lender - although one of the lenders that you interview should be the lender(s) your realtor recommends - your realtor is not going to recommend someone that doesn't perform well;

3) Not getting pre-approved early - you should be pre-approved before you start looking at homes. You don't want to be in the position of finding your perfect home and lose your bid on that home because you are not pre-approved.

4) Maxing out your mortgage limit - you should find out the maximum amount of home you are qualified for, BUT also figure out the amount of payment that you are comfortable with.

5) Letting your emotions control your decisions - it's best when you make a decision based on logic & emotions.

6) Waiving Contingencies without understanding the risks - your realtor should be able to talk with you about the possibilities of problems you might encounter if you waive a contingency (inspection, appraisal, selling a home before buying another one)

7) Allowing your credit score to change before the close - this is not the time to go out and buy a car, purchase furniture for your new home, neglect to pay a bill.

Whenever you are ready to take the plunge, here’s some ways that I can help with your real estate goals:

1) Free Access to search the Denver MLS for all homes currently on the market: Denver Home Finder Service Property Search

2) Join me for a home tour - Home tours are Monday thru Saturday at 2:00 pm or 6:00 pm - choose your tour here

3) Request a specific search that sends all the homes that meet your parameters as soon as they come on the market - that way you can beat others to the best homes. Send me an email with "specific search" in the subject line and your wish list - Price range, school district, style, minimum number of bedrooms, etc. - Vickie@DreamsCanHappen.com

4) Receive a Home Loan Report –There are so many different loan programs. Do you need 20% down payment to purchase a home? Are there special programs for first time home buyers? What does CHFA mean? What's the difference between a FHA loan and a Conventional loan? Send me an email - - Vickie@DreamsCanHappen.com with "Home Loan Report" in subject field and I'll send it right over.

Also….check these out??

Denver Home Finder Service

Denver Home Seller Service

Jan 20, 2016 Real Estate